Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Circumstances: a series of apparently unrelated events which lead to an irresistible mostly unexpected conclusion. Includes elements of destiny, fate, fortune, lot, luck and portion. So when we say that "circumstances" brought us together, there is a lot going on. And that's the case in the little story I want to relate here. Let me set the scene...

I work occasionally at a local Antique Mall as a "Floor Walker" to assist customers, move merchandise out of the store, keep an eye out for shoplifters, etc... Such was my lot a couple of days ago. So in order for me to be there certain Circumstances were in place. Because each Vendor is required to work a minimum of four hours a month of "Floor Walking" as part of their rental agreement, a schedule is provided for them to sign up for a particular time slot. As Circumstances dictate some times there are vacant time slots which have no vendors signed up. That's where I come in. There are a few of us older fellows who are willing to work the floor for cash in order to keep some pin money in our pockets and provide a service for the mall owners in keeping a presence on the mall floor. Vendors who don't work have to pay us. They leave a blank check for $25 with the mall which they in turn give to us "Floor Walkers" when we fill in the gaps so to speak. So I was there in that capacity because nobody had signed up for that day (Monday) which is unusual because the need is normally on the weekends. So the circumstantial events are already coming into play...

OK. It is about 11:00 AM and I am lolling around the check out counter and there is this lady - middle age, fairly tall, thin, not good looking, not bad looking, dressed appropriately, etc. etc. - checking out with her purchase. Not a lot as some buyers go, but bulky. So the cashier puts it all into a cardboard box. She certainly would have been capable of carrying it to her car, but me, Mr. Niceguy decided to carry it for her. Sort of a whim, but I felt "led" to do so. Didn't have a clue at the time. Circumstances...

Got to the car, a Subaru Forrester - neat car - 4X4 - Big tires, white but that's OK. So I struck up a conversation about her car. Yes she likes it, her husband bought it just before the previous one was paid off. The big tires were his idea. I am starting to get a picture there may be a problem here. There is/was a problem. I think a list will do best.

1. The lady - lets call her Lois - had just been laid off from a good job. As you may expect, she is down and not a little apprehensive about the future. Lets let this Stimulus thing play out - she says. Then adds words about socialism, Hitler, etc. and I feel her mounting frustration. She has to wait to see if she can find a good job like she just lost...
2. They like to go camping so she and her husband (call him Ben) bought a 1980's version big box motor home. In great shape and a lot of fun. They like to camp in Big Bend National Park and State Park.
3. Her husband is a Viet Nam vet and she can't trust him anymore. Not much detail here but some of the things he has done have her in a very cautious mood about him. Bits and pieces let me think he is unstable somehow.
4. Both his parents committed suicide only 7 years before he retired. He went to pieces after that. Not the same anymore. Don't exactly know what his parents suicide has to do with retirement, but that's what she put together somehow. "I'm ready to leave him."
5. 40 year old daughter is getting divorced and is moving back in with a kid. She has an $8/hour job and certainly can't make it on her own with that amount. There may have been more to Lois' story that transpired in about five minutes in a parking lot, but since I didn't record it my memory is only catching this much.

I guess the point is that God is in our Circumstances somehow. As Believers our mission includes trying to find out how He is involved and what His purpose may be in our being there too. As Lois and I were talking I was thinking - "how can I work in a witness to her?" - as in the plan of salvation - but nothing seemed to work as an entry point. Finally I said something to the effect that I'd never been in a position like she is but I can pray for her. I think she was taken a little by my statement but seemed to be appreciative that someone -- anyone -- would take the time to at least say that.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not patting myself on the back and saying what a good job I did, but most of the time, we are completely unaware of the effect (or is it affect) we have on people. I believe we think we must give three points and a poem to have an "effective witness" but that's not true. I believe the "Evangelism Explosion" type programs mostly have been ineffective and have given us a false impression of what "Witnessing" really is. Jesus said "You WILL be my witnesses" (emphasis mine - no choice in the matter) and what I believe He said is that by our lives we give witness to the fact that Jesus is living in us and is making a difference in how we live. What we do speaks volumes. How we live speaks volumes. Carrying out a box of merchandise when we don't have to speaks volumes. Paul said in First Corinthians that one plants (Paul) another waters (Apollos) but God is the one who gives the increase - causes the plant to have a crop, come to maturity and bear fruit. Perhaps my statement that I will pray for Lois is that seed. (It is obvious Ben needs prayer too...) But someone else will cultivate and water that seed if it's God's Will she should be saved - if she isn't already.

So you see, Circumstances played a major role in this Little Vignette in a Parking Lot.

Life is made up of these things on a daily basis. I believe we should be more alert to them and give God the glory for the opportunity to participate in them. Some times or maybe most of the time a simple word of care, concern and love to a person in "pain" is all that's necessary. To God Be The Glory. Only He knows the outcome...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice story. But you forgot the best word in your "circumstantial" list: providence!