Monday, February 16, 2009

Ugly Pictures

After viewing himself in a mirror, he straightway forgetteth what nature of man he is, King James Bible - loosely translated... It is always intriguing to me how our memory plays tricks on us. I recently had my picture taken for a badge at the Dallas Fort Worth Airport which will allow me to enter the "restricted" areas without a boarding pass. I am working as a DFW Ambassador one day a week, four hours a day as a volunteer (Ambassador) at the airport. It is a neat job and has already been a fun experience. Not that I have any memorable experiences to relate yet, but that will come if half of what the other Ambassadors tell me is true -- and I'm sure about half of it is. But the badge picture is the point of this post. I am sure some other fellow showed up for that shot. He looked tired - like he didn't sleep much the night before the picture was taken - and that could be true. Undoubtedly the girl taking the picture had the camera and lighting at the wrong settings and angles - and that would be true too. Then I could say that a black and white photo is never that good - oh excuse me - it was in color - but that wouldn't have helped much. Truth is, the bags under the eyes were real, the ghostly pallor was real, those liver spots - yes, they were/are real too - the list goes on and on. So I guess the unvarnished truth is that age does catch up with us - at least with me for it turns out I really did show up for that picture. Part of the problem may be that I'm not running fast enough to keep out of its way; aging that is. Then again, maybe that's the way God planned it. If we are old (yes, I know, I'm not THAT old!) the "rules" seem to say we should look old, just not "bad". Sometimes it is difficult to discern between the two, and badge pictures always have the ability to point out that distinction. On the positive side, at least Security will be able to recognize me. Why if they were looking for a handsome, young man with black hair they wouldn't let me in the gate. HA - That's how it goes...

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