Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Old - too soon / Smart - too late

That title comes from an old Pennsylvania Dutch expression - "Ve get too soon oldt und too late schmardt". Seems that is very appropriate for almost all of us. How many times have you said or heard "I wish I had my 25 year old body and my 65 year old mind"? Well, deterioration is a normal event of life --- darn! So if you are interested in following this blog, I will try to be entertainting (my wife has much to say on that subject), informative some times and perhaps a little insightful and inspiring. Who knows, we may find something to agree on occasionally.

Gruss Got!



Sam Cotter said...

Good start . . except a lot of it came across to me in some foreign language. Oh well . . I guess there are other dialects other than Texan.

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to Anabaptist wit and wisdom.

John the Paedobaptist :)