Monday, September 15, 2008


Have you ever noticed how important calendars are to our daily lives? Or am I the exception in that I check mine every day? Whether or not, I was checking mine this morning and find doctor's appointments, breakfast dates, days where I have to take a friend to his doctor, pacemaker phone checks, other very important stuff and one item in particular that caught my eye:- September 22, 2008 - "Last Quarter - Autumn Begins". Wow! How did this year get away from us? We soon will be seeing - "Only 60 shopping days left till Christmas". (Get your wallet ready.)
Bright colored leaves.
Crisp mornings for the dog walk.
Cool temperatures, open windows and lower electric bills.
I for one am happy to see the Fall Season arrive. Texas has a lot going for it, but the summer heat is not one of my favorites. I think the older I get the less I like to see day after day of 98 - 100 degrees on the weather forecast. But the reality is that, like Hurricane Ike, there is nothing we can do about it.
But would we know it was Fall without the calendar to remind us? That question is like the weather forcast predicting rain when we can look out the window and see it raining. Or the old comic line from TV - Tonight's forcast -- dark! That's good. I guess the point is that I wonder how much we let the calendar dictate what we do in our lives. Perhaps better stated; how wouuld our lives be different if we were not so constrained by time? We have all heard of sacrificing the important on the altar of the urgent. Like the sign on the copy center window: "Failure to plan on your part does not constitute an emergency at this copy center." Now don't get me wrong, there is a place for calendars in our lives. After all, if there wasn't a calendar how would we know when to pay the electric bill? Or how would we know it was Sunday and time to go to church? So all in all, I guess calendars have their place. I just wonder if we would live our lives differently if we were not quite as addicted to the calendar? Just wondering...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Old - too soon / Smart - too late

That title comes from an old Pennsylvania Dutch expression - "Ve get too soon oldt und too late schmardt". Seems that is very appropriate for almost all of us. How many times have you said or heard "I wish I had my 25 year old body and my 65 year old mind"? Well, deterioration is a normal event of life --- darn! So if you are interested in following this blog, I will try to be entertainting (my wife has much to say on that subject), informative some times and perhaps a little insightful and inspiring. Who knows, we may find something to agree on occasionally.

Gruss Got!